Saturday, February 28, 2015

John Patrick Hayden Three

Dear Johnny,

Mommy has been up since 3:00.    Grieving is a lot like having a new baby, I think.  It's exhausting and it's hard to think about other things.  

There are many kind people who want nothing more than to take my pain away.   I wish they understood that while I don't like being in pain, it's really the only connection I have with you.  

I know there are some people who are filled with faith, who know with every fiber in their beings that there is an afterlife with a benevolent deity awaiting us.  I wish I had that kind of faith.  Unfortunately, I don't.

There are days when I think I feel your presence.  Then I wonder if maybe it's just wishful thinking and sleep deprivation that I feel.  I wish I felt the unshakeable certainty that some do that we will meet some day.  I can't even say reunited.  I don't know that and doubt I ever will.

All I can do is say that there is not a moment that goes by that you aren't in my thoughts.



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