Friday, February 27, 2015

Letters to John Patrick Hayden Morrigan Two

My dear little boy,

We miss you so very, very much.

I wake up in the middle of the night wishing that it was you that was keeping me up.  I wish that I had been able to hold your sleeping little body in my arms and comfort you.  I wish that I had been there to sing you to sleep as you left this world.

I wish you had heard my voice and daddy's telling you how very much we love you.

Daddy and I have begun to talk about what happened to you and to Maizy.  It's very hard to do, but we owe it to you.  You deserved better.

We did not know that you were going to be treated that way.  We should not ever have allowed you or your sister to be in the conditions that you were in.   I hope that you are able to forgive us.  I do not know that we will ever be able to forgive ourselves.

All my love,


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